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10 Fun Facts About Cats You Probably Didn't Know

10 Fun Facts About Cats You Probably Didn't Know


10 Fun Facts About Cats You Probably Didn't Know

Cats are amazing creatures that have been living with humans for thousands of years. They have their own personalities, preferences, and quirks that make them unique and lovable. But how much do you really know about your feline friends? Here are 10 fun facts about cats that you probably didn't know.

1. Cats can rotate their ears 180 degrees. This allows them to hear sounds from different directions and pinpoint the source of a noise. Cats have 32 muscles in each ear, compared to humans who have only 6.

2. Cats can't taste sweetness. Unlike humans and dogs, cats lack the genes that code for the sweet taste receptors on their tongues. This means they don't have a preference for sugary foods and drinks. Cats are more attracted to foods that have a high protein and fat content.

3. Cats have a third eyelid. It's called the nictitating membrane, and it's a thin layer of tissue that slides across the eye to protect it from dust, debris, and injury. It also helps keep the eye moist and lubricated. You may see it when your cat is sleepy or sick.

4. Cats purr at the same frequency as an idling diesel engine. The sound of a cat's purr ranges from 25 to 150 hertz, which is similar to the frequency of a diesel engine running at low speed. Purring is not only a sign of contentment, but also a way of healing and soothing themselves and others. Purring can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and promote bone growth.

5. Cats have whiskers on their legs and eyebrows. Whiskers are not just for the face, they also grow on the back of the front legs and above the eyes. Whiskers are sensory organs that help cats navigate their environment, especially in the dark. They can detect changes in air currents, vibrations, and textures, and help cats judge distances and sizes.

6. Cats sleep for about 16 hours a day. That's more than any other mammal, except for some bats and opossums. Cats are crepuscular animals, which means they are most active during dawn and dusk. They sleep during the day to conserve energy for hunting and playing at night.

7. Cats have more bones than humans. Humans have 206 bones in their bodies, while cats have 230. Most of the extra bones are in the tail, which helps cats balance and communicate their mood. Cats can also bend and twist their bodies in ways that humans can't, thanks to their flexible spine and collarbone.

8. Cats can make over 100 vocal sounds. Dogs can only make about 10. Cats use different sounds to express their emotions, needs, and desires. Some of the most common sounds are meowing, purring, hissing, growling, chirping, and trilling. Each cat has its own unique voice and vocabulary that it uses to communicate with humans and other cats.

9. Cats sweat through their paws. Unlike humans who sweat all over their bodies, cats only sweat through their paw pads. This helps them regulate their body temperature and prevent overheating. You may notice wet paw prints on the floor when your cat is stressed or hot.

10. Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world. According to the World Atlas, there are about 600 million domestic cats in the world, living in 44% of households worldwide. The United States has the highest number of pet cats, with about 76 million, followed by China with 53 million, and Russia with 37 million.

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